Wednesday, January 13, 2016

THE BEGINNINGS: Ang Sambahayan Ng Diyos Community

By: Ben and Mayette Salvedia
Head Servants

The Sambahayan ng Diyos Community has been conceived by God 17 years ago and was born last August 14, 2009.  It all began in 1992 when Mayette, my wife, while still single, was gifted with a lot in Montalban, Rizal by Tita Elisa Mangahas.  She was led by God to pray over her not knowing that she was sick with cancer last 1989 during Holy Communion. This lot was given to her as a sign of gratitude for the healing that God had given her. She actually owns a subdivision where she also donated a big parcel of land to Anawim, an orphanage for abandoned elderly, which is located near our house.

Since the time the Lord has called us to serve Him as fulltime Missionaries when we were still single until the time we got married, our greatest desire was to be sent to His mission field.  Every year, our family would go on a retreat to pray and plan for God’s direction for us.  We’d ask the Lord to purify us individually and as a family and send us to do mission work.

Before Montalban, we were renting an apartment owned by my aunt and since she’s coming home from Canada, she wants to stay in our house.  That meant a “Go” signal to move out and our prayer was that when we transfer house, it has to be the last and has to be our own.  In one of our prayer reflections, we received a sense from the Lord that He is leading us to go to Montalban. He reminded us of our small lot in Brgy. San Isidro.  It is a small place, undeveloped subdivision without electricity and water system, surrounded by rice fields and mountains.

We prayed very hard and asked our brothers and sisters and some leaders of the community to pray for us. We originally plan to build fences and a Kubo (Hut) in our lot were we can conduct a prayer meeting and a feeding program for children during weekends. We thought that’s fine we can now do mission work to the poor people there. On one occasion, we shared our plan to Bro. Bo Sanchez leader of the Light of Jesus Community and he said that’s good but it would be better if you build your own house there so you can know them more and minister to them even more. By God’s power and grace, these all came true when the Lord through generous brothers and sisters prayed and supported us so that God’s plan will happen. Hallelujah, the house of God was built! And we transferred though unfinished on the Feast of St. James, July 25, 2009.  It was the same year when we made a covenant commitment to God through the ALNP Community. He both gave us our permanent physical and spiritual home. Glory to God!

Our children are homeschooling and so we were blessed to have our daily family morning worship and praise and study of the word. After a month, we found out that the Lord has planted a seed in the heart of one of our neighbors, Boyet Cruz (and also one of the trusted workers of our house when it was being constructed), became curious with our morning prayer.  One day, he approached and asked me if it was possible for him as a father to learn and teach also his wife and children to pray and sing songs of worship. We invited his family to our home and shared our mission in life.  Jackie, the wife, gratefully confessed that it was an answered prayer for her since she’s praying to the Lord to have a church near their place and that her husband may be converted. And one of our neighbors, every time she hears us praying and singing, would face our house and sing with us even if she didn’t know the songs we sing. Soon, they invited other neighbors and we found ourselves meeting together regularly to listen and share about God’s Word.  Thus, a prayer and a bible sharing group were born. I would lead the prayer meeting and Mayette would assist me while our sons serve in the music, children and
facilities ministries. Thus, our battle-cry:  “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  (Joshua 24:15)

We asked the Lord, why is this happening too soon? Our house is not yet finished. We don’t have electricity and water system and even our things are not yet in place. I tried to bargain with the Lord. I asked, “Is it possible next year na lang, Lord?” But all the people are so excited, kami na lang ang hindi.  But God’s will has to be done and we need to obey.

At present, we are composed of 60 regular brothers and sisters and about 14 youths and 60 kids meeting every Sunday afternoon.  After a year, the group prayed for its name and we were inspired by Isaiah 56:7 “Dahil ang aking bahay ay tatawaging bahay-dalanginan para sa lahat ng bansa.”  He has also given us our Mission Statement:

“Nais nating maging mapagmahal na mga disipulo ni Kristo na  nagpapahayag ng salita at liwanag sa bawat sambahayan at patatagin ang pananalig sa pamamagitan ng sama-samang pananalangin at pag-aaral ng salita ng Diyos.”

The families lived simply because the main livelihood is farming and some husbands worked for Anawim.  After the onslaught of the typhoon Ondoy, many parcel of land, which were rice fields, were sold to the government to be used as relocation sites for those whose homes were destroyed by the storm.  Now, some of the men were hired as construction workers.  Families lived with a meager income but they have learned how to trust in the Lord and believe in His Word.  They have learned to appreciate God’s blessings in the simple life they live.  Most of the parents have not finished grade and high school education and have not received the sacraments of baptism (children and adults), confirmation and matrimony.

These are things the Lord has done, is doing and still wants us to do for His people.

1. Grow in their love for GOD.  During our sharing  portion in our prayer meeting, we found out that most of them don’t know how to pray and even don’t pray at all because of their poverty and lack of knowledge of who God is. In our desire to help them grow in their love for God:

  •  We conducted a Jesus Encounter (LSS), then the Christian Life Series. We taught them how to establish their prayer time. Thanks to the Brothers from ND-A who give talks in our CLS and  share their finances for  our activities.  We also received Tagalog bibles with Old and New Testament and a sound system, monoblock chairs,  We gave each member a daily Bible reflection Guide so that they can have daily scripture time.
  • We taught  them about Mary and  how to pray the Rosary. For some of them, it is the first time they got hold of a rosary.  We asked a friend to donate an image of mother Mary to start our block rosary crusade around the place.  As we call it “Lakbay ni Maria at Hesus”, the image of Mama Mary and a crucifix have been visiting each house and would stay with the family for a week.  We teach them, through our members, how to pray the Rosary and make their own altar and encourage them to pray every day.  
  • Sunday Masses.  We found out that our members don’t go to church because it is very far and fare is expensive. We shared to them the value of receiving Jesus Christ through the Holy Mass.  We asked God to bring them to church every Sunday.  The answer came when one day Mayette discovered a road that has a short cut leading to another Barangay going to the nearest church which is about 2kms. We timed it walking through that road, and it took us about 30 minutes. We shared to them about it and they agree that they will join and walk with us.  We told them that we will have a Prayer Walk.  That as we walk, we will pray the Rosary and pray over the family in the relocation houses so that they may be open to know and accept the Lord. We gathered in front of our house at 5:30 am every Sunday.  They still do it themselves even in those times that we have district and sector assemblies.  We also prayed that God will send us a priest who will celebrate Mass every Sunday in our small chapel of San Isidro. It stopped when the road that we were passing through was destroyed and we prayed again and asked God to solve our dilemma. The Lord is good and He answered our prayer because after three months, He sent Fr. Karel San Juan, a Jesuit priest who celebrates the Holy Mass every Sunday at our small chapel. Last May 2015, the Lord showed His love and faithfulness by making our barangay a parish. Thus, the San Isidro Parish was born with 2 CICM fathers – Fr. Romy and Fr. Maurice.  Now, we can attend daily Mass at Anawim + our members can attend regularly the Sunday Masses.  Glory to God!
  • Making the Sacraments alive. We believe that the Lord wants them to grow in their Catholic Faith. We asked the help of our friends from Marian Disciples of Jesus community whose gift is to teach Catechism about our Catholic Faith. They helped us explain the value of the Sacraments. Once a month, they visit us to conduct catechism because many of them have not yet been baptized, confirmed and married in church.  During our LSS, we asked them to receive the Sacrament of Confession and for most of them, it was their very first time.  Praise God!  Last December 19, 2010, (6) six babies and (9) nine adults received the sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation. And for this, 7 couples will be ready to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony on February 27, 2011 at the Anawim chapel. 25 children (ages 3 months – 12 years old) received the Sacrament of Baptism held last 2012 & 2013,  2 couples had their marriage validated last November 2014, 31 children (ages 9-15) received their First Holy Communion last September 12, 2015 officiated by our new priests.

2. Formation:

  •  The Servants’ Group  
  • We organized a core group and give them a regular formation teaching every Tuesday night and especially to prepare them for service. We assigned them to different ministries like music, facilities, intercession, food ministry etc. 
  •  “Buklod” or “Bukluran” (Action group) 
  • We divided the group into (cell/small group) buklod for them to grow in their relationship as brothers and sisters, share their reflections, and also to pray for one another.   
  •  A group of single women from Marian Disciples of Jesus conduct a monthly teaching about Catholic doctrines and the Bible.
  •  Our parish priest has invited our members, particularly the Buklod heads to undergo seminar about Catechism and serve in the parish. Also, they will be trained as lectors and commentators and hopefully form a choir to serve during the Sunday Mass.

3. Educational Support 
We gave financial support and educational supplies to the children whoare attending our children’s ministry.

4. Evangelization
We encouraged our members to share about God’s love to their neighbors and whoever they meet especially on how He is working in their lives. Jackie shared that many parents in the school of their children about their poverty but she claims victory even if her family experiences the same because God always provides and He gives them peace and contentment. Even the children have been inviting their classmates to join our Children’s ministry.We have already formed a Men’s Group which meets every Thursday Night in the different homes of the brothers.  About 10-15 men gather weekly to hear God’s Word and receive Him in their hearts.

5. Medical Mission
We were blessed to conduct a Medical Mission through the help of a nurse-friend who works with Saint Paul College of Nursing.  Thank God for the volunteer doctors, dentists and students.  On another occasion, a volunteer-doctor, Dr. Papic from Ligaya ng Panginoon Community, had our members checked up also.  God is so good!

Future Plans:

1. Youth Group
2. A Library, Information Center and Multi-purpose hall 
3. Tutorials and Alternative Learning System by DepEd
4. Regular Baptismal, Confirmation and Wedding sponsorships
5. Livelihood Program – training of skills and natural/organic farming

God has indeed a wonderful plan for all of them and we were used by God to bring them closer to the Lord.  We want to thank the generous brothers and sisters who have consistently supported us – our brothers and sisters in ND-A, concerned relatives and friends and the Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon Community Foundation.

We pray that the Lord may continue to bless this ministry and that He may give us more opportunities to serve and love Him in marvelous ways through His people.  And more importantly, may He open the hearts and minds of His people so that they will accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely, I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:19-20)

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